Episode 11: What are triggers? How to navigate them?
Welcome to Hope for Wives
With your co-hostesses:
Pam Blizzard from RecoveredPeace.com
Lyschel Burket from HopeRedefined.org
Bonny Burns from StrongWives.com
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Welcome to another episode of Hope For Wives.
Today, we will be discussing, Trauma Triggers. A trigger is an event that rings an alarm bell that sends our body into fight, flight, or, freeze response. sense of safety to evaporate. You may experience the consequence of a trigger as a flashback, panic attack, intense of emotions, feelings of anxiety and/or grief. These are common to the betrayal trauma experience.
We Will be Discussing:
- How have triggers shown up for you personally?
- What are some things we want our listeners to know about causes triggers?
- What are some practical tools we can offer our listeners to navigate triggers?
- What hope can we leave our listeners with about triggers.
Resources mentioned in this show:
Box breathing for grounding:
Scripture references:
Isaiah 43:10
Psalm 27: 1-14
Psalm 139:14
Read the transcript
Thank you for sitting in with us today. Our deepest desire is that you will find encouragement, insight, and maybe even a laugh or two in the many episodes to come. We will talk with you again in two weeks.
If you have been helped by this podcast, please consider sending a few dollars toward production costs.
Lyschel, Pam and Bonny thank you for listening, sharing and generously supporting our mission!