Episode 8: Self Care With Practical Ideas To Care For Yourself After Discovery

Welcome to Hope for Wives

With your co-hostesses:

Pam Blizzard from RecoveredPeace.com
Lyschel Burket from HopeRedefined.org
Bonny Burns from StrongWives.com

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Welcome to another episode of Hope For Wives. Today we are discussing self-care. Self-care is a popular term these days for a reason. It is an important concept in our chaotic lives, especially if you are healing from the effects of unwanted sexual behavior in your marriage.

Self-care refers to behaviours performed to improve your well-being, to preserve your health, or to maintain your physical and emotional stability.  For a betrayed partner, self-care if important because it helps your body build reserves in order to heal from the trauma of sexual betrayal.

Basically, self-care helps you cope with mentally with big emotions and physically to safeguard against poor health as you heal from sexual betrayal trauma.

We Will be Discussing:

  • What are some myths about self-care?
  • In your personal story, what role did self-care play?
  • PIESS (physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual) categories of self-care with practical ideas
  • What hope can we offer our listeners about self-care?

Resources mentioned in this show:

Scripture references:

Matthew 11:28-30

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Read the transcript


Thank you for sitting in with us today. Our deepest desire is that you will find encouragement, insight, and maybe even a laugh or two in the many episodes to come. We will talk with you again in two weeks.

If you have been helped by this podcast, please consider sending a few dollars toward production costs.

Lyschel, Pam and Bonny thank you for listening, sharing and generously supporting our mission!

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