Episode 4: What is Relational Safety?

Welcome to Hope for Wives.

With your co-hostesses:

In Today’s episode, we are going to discuss emotional or relational safety. What it is. How to navigate it. How to rebuild.

We Discuss

  • What is relational or emotional safety to you?
  • How is emotional or relational safety ruptured when one spouse has a sex addiction?
  • How does a betrayed partner start to rebuild emotional safety?
  • How can we offer hope to our listeners when it comes to emotional or relational safety?

Nuggets of Wisdom:

“…not to feel better, but to get better at feeling,” Pam Blizzard.

“Both of you are responsible for rebuilding this emotional safety with each other,” Lyschel Burket.


VOWS – acronym of thoughts to help build new emotional and relational safety.

  • V – Vulnerability
  • O – Ownership
  • W – do your Work
  • S – create Safety for yourself and your spouse

Emotional Safety definition found in wikipedia

Transcript: Episode 4 Emotional_Relational_Safety

King & Country – God Only Knows

Final Thoughts

Thank you for sitting in with us today. Our deepest desire is that you will find encouragement, insight, and maybe even a laugh or two in the many episodes to come. We will talk with you again in two weeks.


  1. Sue on February 23, 2022 at 3:36 pm

    Wow I am the hair on fire lady also and SAME thought my H was my safe spot!!! Thankyou for clarifying this is how I feel

  2. Todd on December 8, 2022 at 8:20 pm

    Not only am I glad that my wife found this podcast, but I’m glad she told me about it. I just listened to episode 4, for the second time, thank you ladies for taking the time to do this, God bless!

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