Episode 23: How to Navigate Anger Responsibly
Welcome to Hope for Wives
With your co-hostesses:
Pam Blizzard from RecoveredPeace.com
Lyschel Burket from HopeRedefined.org
Bonny Burns from StrongWives.com
Listen now:
Today, we are discussing how to handle anger in a responsible way.
Anger is a part of our make-up as human beings and God put it there. God, himself, displays anger throughout the Bible.
Anger is a part of the threat response when we face a traumatic experience. We either fight, flee or freeze. That fight part is anger.
Anger is also a part of the grief process. We are angry at the injustice of our losses.
The Christian community has a complicated relationship with anger because, let’s face it, anger is hard to navigate in a godly way.
We Will be Discussing:
- What comes up for you ladies, when thinking about your own story and how anger played a part?
- What purpose does anger serve a betrayed wife?
- When is the line crossed and anger becomes a sin?
- What hope can we leave our listeners about anger?
Resources mentioned in this show:
Scripture references:
Ephesians 4:26
Ephesians 4:26
Read the transcript
Thank you for sitting in with us today. Our deepest desire is that you will find encouragement, insight, and maybe even a laugh or two in the many episodes to come. We will talk with you again in two weeks.
If you have been helped by this podcast, please consider sending a few dollars toward production costs.
Lyschel, Pam and Bonny thank you for listening, sharing and generously supporting our mission!
I just found you wonderful ladies! I’m in a 32 yr marriage and my husband is now seriously engaging in his recovery. We have 4 children- Three still at home and the youngest is 18. My husband and I are basically roommates. My heart feels no love or longing for him anymore. We are cordial and enjoy outside activities together. He has hopes for restoration but I don’t feel it can happen. I don’t want to be a divorced woman or breakup the family. I’ve searched your episodes and can’t find one that addresses this. Can you discuss this dynamic on an upcoming episode please?