Episode 32: What She Wants to Know About His Thought Life

Welcome to Hope for Wives

With your co-hostesses:

Pam Blizzard from RecoveredPeace.com
Lyschel Burket from HopeRedefined.org
Bonny Burns from StrongWives.com

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Welcome to another episode of Hope For Wives. Since we know that many spouses in recovery are listening to our podcast, today we are talking to you. We are continuing the discussion around, “How to share my recovery work with my spouse?” This is sometimes tricky to navigate as balance is needed between oversharing and possibly triggering her, and undersharing or just appearing to check boxes and not truly have your heart in it.

We Will be Discussing:

With special guest, Shawna Meek, of Living Stones Coaching. Shawna also contract coaches with Hope Redefined.

  • What if she wants to know everything, including his thought life? (How do we coach the husband when she wants to know all of his thoughts without him doing more harm? What do we say to the post-disclosure client who wants to know all his thoughts?)
  • What if he continues to cross the line because he is an over-sharer?
  • What hope can we leave our listeners around this topic?

Resources mentioned in this show:

Scripture references:

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Read the transcript


Thank you for sitting in with us today. Our deepest desire is that you will find encouragement, insight, and maybe even a laugh or two in the many episodes to come. We will talk with you again in two weeks.

If you have been helped by this podcast, please consider sending a few dollars toward production costs.

Lyschel, Pam and Bonny thank you for listening, sharing and generously supporting our mission!


  1. Rebecca Estabrook on August 23, 2023 at 10:28 am

    This is so hard for me. My husband of 23 years married and 25 years together doesn’t understand what his thought life before me has done to him and our relationship. He says he never looked at “porn” but he has told me, basically he made his own “porn” inside his head by fantasizing about girls he knew or just saw

    I need a podcast to help me overcome the fact that I despise, mostly when I am in the presence of my husband, seeing or hearing other females.

    We have never had a disclosure always discoveries pretty much since we got married in 2000. We are finally seeing a CSAT, for just about a year now almost monthly to now about once a week. We still cannot communicate, our life, well. We work together and for the most part, we can get along for work. Not so much in our personal relationship.

    Our CSAT therapist, who is trauma-informed and partner sensitive, says I am more OCD on these kinds of podcasts than his other clients.

    I love these podcasts because they help me find the words to what I feel. they don’t tell me what I feel, I listen to them and think “Wow that is exactly what I have gone through.”

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